Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Preparing for Change – Step 2

Breaking the All-You-Can-Eat-I-Have-To-Get-My-Money’s-Worth Binge Eating mindset....going from quantity to quality.

As someone with a compulsive eating problem, keeping food in the house is cause for high anxiety.  I’ve experimented with grocery shopping in the past....and almost always end up eating the entire box of cereal in 2-3 days....or a week’s worth of PB & J sandwiches in a day.  Or worse....throwing away $20 worth of fresh fruit & veggies....or halibut....because I don’t take the time to figure out what to do with them.  It’s much easier to grab fast food or go out to it allows me to be social.


All that’s really helped me do is accumulate eating partners instead of cultivating friendships, while spending more money on top of the fresh food I have to throw out.

A big part of this is my lack of planning or sticking to a schedule.   Here’s a chart I made on 06/01 last year when I started really taking a look at things....

An even bigger part is not taking time out for myself.

I bought a kayak in Oct 2009.  I even made a sweet cart for it…darn kayak is like 60#!  Have I taken it out yet?  NOPE!

I mentioned getting a fishing pole to my sister & she bought me one for my birthday last year.  Guess where it still is....

Yup….hasn’t moved from the spot where I put it after the BBQ.

What’s wrong with me?!?!   Why can I spend so much money on food and wasting it....but I won’t take the time out for myself?!?!

Well that’s what this summer is all about!

Slowing down….focusing on me….(even as I type that I feel guilty for being selfish!)….figuring out what the next step after breathing is….and spending more time preparing food that’s going to nourish my body & soul (I feel cheesy typing that).

If I put half as much thought, effort, and love into preparing food for myself as I do for my bowling league, I should be pretty well set!

Well....I just have to remember to leave out the bacon!

1 comment:

  1. Neither selfish or cheesy! I prefer lovely and inspiring!
